
the bustle.

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Public space is harsh.
Whatever one does,
there are eyes staring.
Public space is cordial.
Whatever one does,
there are peers matching.

B-47 investigates the
subtle balance within the
ebb and flow of public spaces.
Its contour, sweeping curves
of sheet metal, define the
phantom boundary between
personal privacy and exposure.

Decompose and connect the planes
of a chair to find the form of enclosure.

Refine the form with CAD
and rapid full scale prototype.

Materialize the surfaces
with polished mild steel.

Pen + Marker

Sheet Steel

6 Weeks
Spring 2023


Embrace the bustle.

Public space is harsh. Whatever one does, eyes stare.
Public space is cordial. Whatever one does, peers match.

B-47 investigates the subtle balance within the ebb and flow of public spaces. Its contour, sweeping curves of sheet metal, define the phantom boundary between personal privacy and exposure.

Spring 2023


the bustle.

Public space is harsh. Whatever one does,
eyes stare. Public space is cordial. Whatever one does, peers match.

B-47 investigates the subtle balance within
the ebb and flow of public spaces. Its contour, sweeping curves of sheet metal, define the phantom boundary between personal privacy and exposure.